Sunday, July 12, 2009

2009 - We are having the best time!!

Hello everyone!

It's been a long time since I've updated here. So much has happend so far this year. Kyla and Katelyn are growing up so fast.

Kyla's finished 2nd grade and excited to be in 3rd this fall. Katelyn can't hardly wait for September so she can ride the bus to kindergarten just like the big kids.

Jason and I have traveled to Louisville, St Louis, Denver and are headed to Orlando soon. We also went on some family trips to Spokane and Calgary Alberta. Staying home is just not our thing! Too much to do, too many people and places to see.

Team National Big Navigator

Team National Big Navigator

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Sunday, November 30, 2008

The girls enjoyed an afternoon creating new creatures using play foam. It is like play dough made out of foam. It sticks to itself and not the table or your fingers and never dries out. What a great idea! Easy clean up, gotta love that!

She was sooooo excited about all the gifts she got. "Holy Shoot" - her favorite phrase from the movie Cars was her choice for expressing how excited she was about each new gift.

Happy Birthday Katie!

Who knew being 5 would be so much fun.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Katelyn and Kyla are busy passing the time with their new favorite game, ..... Chess! They are smarter than us already.